“Genuinely one of the best sessions I have ever attended. Thank you Mark, looking forward to the next session…..”
Hayley Lord
Employment and Skills Manager – South Tyneside Council
“Mark's classes are interactive which makes you remember the class! He is very quick to assess each person’s ability and method of learning and can quickly adapt his delivery to ensure full understanding.”
Gill Elgie – Procurement Category Leader
“ I have thoroughly enjoyed the course today. I have remained interested and involved throughout the day which is credit to the delivery of the module by a knowledgeable, engaging and enthusiastic trainer. ”
Public Health Nurse working in a community setting.
"Thought Mark was excellent. We don't do alot of virtual training or have much subject knowledge of this topic. He acknowledged that and handled it very well." IODA delegate
"Mark ensured it was easy to follow, giving examples and using real examples from AWO Staff to apply the models (which really helped). I think the training was extremely useful in thinking about problems professionally and personally. It was really thought provoking." AWO Delegate
“A really good course. Difficult topic areas to cram into two days but completed effectively. Mark uses his experiences and good communication skills to put the relevant points across”
Inspector J. Osborne
Leicestershire Police
“Excellent session today and a great way to start the Leadership Development Programme. Thank you Mark. I look forward to the next session later in the year”
Chris Manns
HR Specialist – South Tyneside Council
"I found the training helpful in terms of looking at different models of problem solving and exploring the ‘why’ we problem solve. I took a lot from it around trying to look at incremental gains and how I can be slightly more effective day to day. I enjoyed having the opportunity to break a problem down using his DEAR COP model."
AWO Delegate
“Mark is a very gifted facilitator who takes pains to put people at ease whilist demonstrating a high knowledge of topic. It has been a great start to this programme. Thank you.”
Learning and Development specialist working in a Further Education establishment
"Today went really fast. I haven't been in a structured learning environment for a while so I was worried about drifting off or losing my place in the presentation but Mark made it really interesting and interactive and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I just hope I can put it all into practice now!"
IODA Delegate
"I found the training really informative and it made a lot of sense being able to break problems down into bite size chunks and made me look at certain problems I had been facing a lot differently. Really enjoyed the training" AWO Delegate
"Fab day, mark made it easy to interact, fair, fun but informative. Coming from an anxiety ridden mental health issues it was really easy to go through." IODA Delegate
"Mark was a fantastic instructor who used real life relatable examples to help underpin the course content. He was very animated and passionate which really kept my interest." IODA delegate
"Mark made a potentially dry subject really enjoyable and applicable to my everyday work. Throughly enjoyable course, thank you."
S Farmant - Police Sgt. Northamptonshire Police
"This module was the most useful module I have had out of the four; and one I will be definitely using in my role going forward. Really relevant and all supervisors need this input."
D Hubbard - Inspector. Lecister Police
"Mark was a very enthusiastic trainer and very engaging with us. Made the day go quickly and thoroughly enjoyed it". IODA delegate
100 % of attendees rated this event as” Excellent”.
100 % of attendees rated Mark’s communications skills and interaction with the group as “Excellent”.
“Found the training relevant, engaging, enjoyable. It really highlighted the learning points”
“Not your standard team building day. Very logical interactions and multiple opportunities for self reflection. Good pace, tone and humour and most of all it was fun”